
Life at RWA

The RWA team is a great representation of the technology industry in New Zealand. Our employees come from a diverse range of countries (8 at the last count) and backgrounds.

This blog is a platform for us to allow each RWA employee to share their own stories and industry insights. From sales events and Meetups through to personal pursuits, someone is always up to something interesting.

It’s also our opportunity to acknowledge the outstanding achievements of our contractors.

Chilling Out with Ice-Cream

Lewis-Road Creamery Milk and Ice-Cream | RWA People RecruitmentAfter hearing that Lewis Road Creamery was going to start making ice-cream a lot of people in the office were starting to think about going on a hunt to track some down. Since their milk is so good, we were sure the ice-cream would be fantastic.

Luckily for us we didn’t have to look too far, because it showed up right on our doorstep! Considering how hot it’s been lately the ice-cream went down a treat in the office so thanks Lewis Road Creamery for the fantastic ice-cream!

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