
Recruitment Advice

When it comes to recruiting across the whole IT industry, the RWA team has seen it all. Whether you’re looking for a temporary or permanent employee, or an IT contractor, we offer advice to help you find exactly what your business needs.

Recruiting International IT Talent

thumbnailAlthough there’s no denying New Zealand has highly skilled local IT talent, our considerably smaller market presents several obvious challenges for technology employers looking to hire specialist IT candidates for business-critical roles.

Recruiting skilled international IT professionals is an excellent solution to filling these skill gaps, however engaging candidates from other countries is an activity that comes with significant risks. In our experience, when these risks are mitigated, this international talent pipeline can help employers secure highly productive and loyal employees, and a huge competitive advantage. If you’re looking to tap into an international talent pool, read on for an overview on the best way to mitigate the potential risks that come with that.

A Shift in Candidate Priorities

Traditionally, people looked at immigrating here for the promise of a better, more laid-back life of sand and sun. Highlighted by the fact New Zealand has been named as the world’s best country four years running, candidates who flirted with the idea of immigrating didn’t truly appreciate how big of an ordeal moving to a new country was. This posed a costly risk for employers because these applicants weren’t fully invested, or were doing it for the wrong reasons, which led to many people getting cold feet before they were due to arrive.

Recently, we’ve noticed a shift in the dynamics of overseas candidates and a different type of international applicant is taking interest in our country. New Zealand’s booming IT startup scene has led to candidates looking to come here to gain experience in new innovative sectors in roles that are hard to come by anywhere else.

Recruiters regularly interact with candidates looking to expand their careers with New Zealand IT employers. This experience enables Consultants to sift through applicants who are merely toying with the idea of a new life, and identify professionals who are fully committed and prepared to move. Engaging with a third-party recruitment agency can limit the risk of engaging the wrong type of candidate and potential costs of restarting the process after your ideal applicant changes their mind.

Changing Your Perception

To successfully implement international talent into your workforce, you may need to change the way you perceive this engagement. It’s a common misconception that hiring an overseas candidate takes a long time, leading to it being dismissed as an option when under pressure to quickly fill a role. However, as a Hiring Manager, you’ll know what type of roles you always recruit and what potential ad-hoc specialist roles appear every so often. Equipped with this insight, a Recruitment Consultant can provide you with a pool of international candidates all pre-screened and ready to go.

As is the case with any hire, cost is an important factor. Many companies are under the impression that the cost of recruiting international talent often outweighs the return on investment. Whilst there are additional costs in play, such as visa requirements and relocation costs, this isn’t always the case. The reality is that the benefits of securing a highly skilled individual from another country can often far outweigh the total expense. Candidates who’ve committed to immigrating to a new country will greatly appreciate the chance to work for your business. This can result in hiring a loyal employee who will work hard to prove themselves, and depending on their work visa, may be tied to their employment contract with you for some time. If you are keen to hire an overseas candidate on either a permanent or contract basis to source scarce expertise, RWA Technology People can discuss options and provide you with assistance.

Alleviating Potential Risks

Keeping with the topic of cost, salary expectations can also vary across markets. For example, a Java Developer in the UK will often expect to be paid more than the market average here in New Zealand. Recruiters are used to managing these expectations and can ensure that both parties are content with the offer before any commitment is made.

It’s been our experience that a candidate’s expertise will vary just as much as their expectations. Jobs in larger markets, such as the UK, will tend to be more specific than those in New Zealand. This difference can lead to confusion around expectations from both sides. A Data Analyst from another country may have a very specific kind of experience, so starting a new role in New Zealand with  broader responsibilities than they’re used to, could give them quite a shock. Using a combination of behavioural and situational interviewing techniques to decipher a candidate’s skill in context of our market, is great way to mitigate this risk. However, ensuring you have a strong onboarding programme in place can further reduce the likelihood of putting your new hire’s transition in jeopardy. The above solutions are services that specialist recruitment agencies can offer.


Due to the shortage of skilled individuals, keeping an open mind when it comes to hiring international talent can be hugely beneficial for your business. To help mitigate the risks that come with recruiting overseas candidates, sit down with a specialist recruitment agency.

As the largest IT recruitment agency in Auckland, we have the experience and expertise needed to engage overseas candidates whilst mitigating your hiring costs and risks. If you have a specialist role open and an interest in broadening your talent pool, don’t hesitate to contact one of our specialist Recruiters today.

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