Welcome to the third edition of Demystifying IT. In our previous video episode, we sat down with Senior Project Manager, Mark Pinder, to provide you with an in-depth review of how to interview Project Managers. This week we turn our focus to a new topic: Recruiting Online Marketing Specialists.
Tips for Hiring SEO or AdWords Specialists
In this week’s e-learning episode, we tap into the expertise of Results First General Manager, Kristina Trood, as she discusses what she prioritises when interviewing candidates in the Online Marketing and SEO space.
Watch the video below to find out what you need to know as a Hiring Manager or Internal Recruiter, including an explanation on the key qualities and red flags to look out for, and why skills testing your candidates is crucial to finding the right fit.
Chapter 1 – What to look out for when interviewing candidates
Most interviewers will hope to mark off their tick boxes as an interview with a candidate progresses, but what important factors take precedence over others? In order to help you identify whether a candidate can do more than just talk the talk, the first chapter has been split into the following two sections:
- Chapter 1.1 – Looking at qualities – testing for soft skills
- Chapter 1.2 – Using the right terminology
Chapter 2 – How do you test for these skills?
Even if all the boxes have been ticked and the candidate’s knowledge is credible, the importance of putting them through a technical test cannot be overstated. In this chapter, Kristina talks about how she tests a candidate’s technical skills, to ensure that they are capable of completing the work required.
- Chapter 2.1 – The importance of technical testing
Chapter 3 – What do you need to be aware of when interviewing candidates?
Whilst looking for the candidate’s key qualities, the interviewer should also keep an eye out for their weaknesses. In the final chapter of this e-learning episode, Kristina discusses the red flags that can sway the interview, including the crucial point of business empathy in the New Zealand market. This chapter consists of the following three sections:
- Chapter 3.1 – Checking a CV
- Chapter 3.2 – Business empathy
- Chapter 3.3 – Keeping up to date with technology
We would like to extend our thanks to Kristina for being a part of this series and sharing her valuable knowledge and experience of interviewing technical talent for the Online Marketing sector. If you’d like to know more about the Online Marketing space, and Kristina’s role and career, take a look at her recent Under the Hood feature.
We hope that you enjoyed this episode of Demystifying IT. Stay tuned for the next episode in this series, which will take a closer look at the role of Finance Business Analyst and break down the traits you need to be looking for when hiring one.
If you would like to be featured in this blog series and share your knowledge on any roles in the IT industry, don’t hesitate to get in touch today.