“I got a call from a user who says they’re moving the mouse and pressing keys but the computer isn’t waking up. I would have troubleshooted over the phone but the user is pretty much right outside of my office and I wanted to get some coffee anyway.
I get to their office and see them still moving the mouse in hopes something will turn on. I glance over and see an empty laptop dock…
I looked at them and said “So…where’s your laptop?” They looked at me with the most “Oh my god, what have I done” face I’ve ever seen, stood up and looked at the empty dock. Sat back down, pulled their laptop out and docked it.
We both gave each other a look as if we will never speak of this again. I would complain about it, but it’s Monday and I just tried unlocking my door with my car alarm button.”
– Reddit User, o0 DraastiK